Free «Behavioral Health Prevention Program Design» Essay Sample


Motivational interviewing is a method used to inspire people to embrace positive life and behavioral changes through the use of motivational talks and interviews. Motivational interviewing is a patient-centered behavioral change approach that includes the desires of the patents in the behavioral change process. Motivational interviewing technique makes physicians match the patient’s needs with lifestyle change interventions (Burke & Arkowitz, 2002).

Since the prevention of diabetes requires behavioral changes and lifestyle modification to the risk of developing diabetes, motivational interviewing is a good technique that can be used to inspire people to adopt positive lifestyle changes (Helen et al, 2003).

Goals and Visions of the Behavioral Health Prevention Program Design

The vision of this behavioral health prevention program is reducing the risk of the development of diabetes to the people in Harlem, the United States. The goals of this program are enhancing the health of people who are at risk of developing diabetes through enhancing the motivation of the population. They are:

  1. Embracing positive lifestyles such as healthy diets
  2. Maintenance of regular hospital visits
  3. Complying with diabetes medication
  4. Reduction of the patient’s resistance to change
  5. Reduction of alcohol and drug abuse
  6. Maintenance of glucose monitoring

The Stakeholders Involved in the Behavioral Change Program and Their Responsibilities



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I) Population at high risk of developing diabetes

These are the key stakeholders involved in this behavioral change project. The role of the people who are at risk of developing diabetes is the collaboration with health care professionals in the process of implementing this behavioral change program through adhering to the advice of health practitioners on diabetes prevention. The population should also participate in the evaluation of the accomplishment of the project by the health care practitioners.

2) Health care practitioners

They are key stakeholders involved in this change project and influence its success. Their main roles should be to support the people who are at risk of developing diabetes in overcoming their resistance to lifestyle changes. Health care practitioners should also acquire the necessary training on motivational interviewing techniques to be able to offer motivational interviewing to patients. Health care practitioners should also obtain feedback from the patients so that they can appraise the program’s success.

3) The family members of the people who are at risk of developing diabetes

The role of the family members in this change project is supporting the family members who are at risk of developing diabetes to embrace positive lifestyle changes.

4) Hospital management

The management of hospitals can also support this behavioral change program through providing financing and other resources necessary for the successful implementation of this behavioral change program. They should also play a part in the appraisal of the effectiveness of this behavioral change program.

5) Community based organizations and the local community

These stakeholders can participate in the change program through providing support to people who are at risk in the process of embracing positive behavioral choices.

Psychological and Behavioral Barriers that can Hinder the Success of this Project

The main psychological barrier facing the successful implementation of this change program is the patient’s resistance to overcoming change. The behavioral and lifestyle changes necessary in diabetes prevention are always hard for patients to embrace (Helen et al, 2003). The other major challenge is the lack of patients’ willingness to talk about their lifestyle choices and to maintain regular hospital visits.

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The Recommendations for Disease Prevention and Behavioral Modification

The main goal of this change project is enhancing positive lifestyles that can reduce the risk of developing diabetes. They include:

a)      Adherence to healthy diets

b)      Adherence to physical exercise regimes

c)      Regular hospital visits for check-ups

d)      Reduction of drugs and alcohol use

Behavioral Health Prevention Summary Report

Motivational interviewing is a behavioral change technique that achieves success in some behavioral change interventions compared to other methods of enhancing behavioral change (Sobel, 2008). The prevention and treatment of diabetes is a process that requires strong strategies of overcoming patient resistance to behavioral and lifestyle changes.

Diabetes prevention requires the adoption of positive life changes such as healthy diets, physical exercises, and the reduction of alcohol and drugs use. These changes are not easy for pre-diabetic and diabetic patients; therefore, many patients develop an ambivalence to embrace positive lifestyles (Helen et al., 2003).

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Motivational interviewing is, therefore, an ideal technique for use in behavioral change and lifestyle modification to people who are at risk of developing diabetes. This technique enables healthcare practitioners to match the desires and the concerns of patients with the lifestyle modification processes (Sobel, 2008). The prevention of disease progression of pre-diabetic patients is very essential prevention strategy (Helen et al., 2003).

The complete adoption of the recommendations of this behavioral change program can help pre-diabetic patients to increase the level of physical exercises, reduce the intake of alcohol and drugs, overcome their ambivalence to change, and adhere to the advice given by physicians on diabetes prevention.


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