Free «Motivation towards Becoming a PA» Essay Sample

Why did it have to happen? That was the hardest question that I had ever asked myself before but I knew that I would not get the perfect answer. The guilt of loosing my friends to a disease which can be prevented kept on haunting me as if I was solely responsible for it. My visit to their graveyards to pay my last respect turned to be another shocker. Many young and productive people harvested by AIDS at the prime time of their lives. From that time, I didn't know who to blame for the loss of lives of my friends and for those innocent children who were infected by their parents. This made me desire to interact more with the youth by joining a local centre in Yaoundé for the care of the youth.

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Such was the pain in my heart that instead of blaming anyone for negligence of one's duties, I decided to become a physician assistant with a difference. It is very disturbing to sit and watch fellow human beings experience such pain with no one to come to their aid. In fact, I only count myself lucky to be what I am today because I also grew up in the same environment with my friends and perhaps what happened to them could also have been my fate. My education has played a big role in my life because now I understand that information is power and it changes the way a person thinks. My conviction is clear that once am in the field, my input will be significant in preventing the deaths of so many people who are highly vulnerable due to lack of proper information to handle the problem. I draw a lot of encouragement from a group of a few like minded people who were also touched by the suffering and massive agony that were being experienced by many street families in the streets of Yaoundé. The group is working on a voluntary program with no external support. The results from their efforts are incredible and although there is no one to recognize and reward these efforts, the inner joy and satisfaction is there for consolation.

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My hand in budgeting, forecasting, finance and insurance will be of big help because I will be able to monitor my finances and at the same time give a ray of hope many people especially the children who have been orphaned by the killer disease. These children are suffering the consequences of sins and mistakes that they were not party to. It is therefore proper to give them an environment that will make them to take their opportunities in their lives. At the same time, I feel burdened to use my exposure and international connections to invite international organizations so that together, we can uplift the lives of those people who have no place to call home and those with other problems as a result of fate or negligence by other people.My grandparents too think that it would be very noble for me to pursue this desire. My recent visit to their place and a subsequent sharing about the experiences of many innocent people made my grandfather add to my knowledge by showing me how to treat same ailments using eucalyptus leaves. Am glad that apart from following my heart, am also following the reality and the wishes of many people who can but hope that one day, opportunities and a comfortable life of human dignity will also smile at them.


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