Free «A Sky So Close» Essay Sample

The Iran-Iraq has little to no direct effect on the narrator, her family, and her schooling.

This statement is false because the narrator is ever confronted with challenges from either direction, not knowing the language to speak. This is more specifically when she wants to stop the parents from yelling. The father thinks that the narrator will be spoilt if she joins the School of Music and Ballet. Her mother says angrily, “"But the schools here are so deprived.” The east-meets-west clash truly has a direct effect on her, her family, and her schooling.

Madame, a talented dancer, is a tolerant, reinforcing, and compassionate teacher.

While most of the characteristics listed in the statement herein are true, not all define Madame. Madame introduces the narrator to her first lover. This is something that some readers would be uncomfortable with and disregard Madame as a tolerant and compassionate teacher. The aftermath of the narrator’s life is filled with sadness and helplessness when we see her failed English trysts and tight friendships. Some of her misfortunes could have been occasioned by Madame. Again, the narrator compares her to a military ruler when she says, “It was as though we were all waiting her secret instructions to undertake a military mission from which we might or might not return”.



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Farouk gives an impassioned speech in which he praises Madame's teaching talents, the dance program, and Madame's motives for teaching.

Well, this is not the utter truth. Farouk and his friend Ahmad are confronted with life challenges which make them turn to serve in war. Madame’s teaching talents, the dance program, and Madame's motives for teaching are left unspoken about. However, the impact is felt on Farouk as well as other students of the ballet dance as the narrator says, “Ahmad and Farouk, two of the ballet students, have to redirect their energies to serve the war”.

The narrator and her mother never speak personally or frankly about their relationships with David or Saleem.

This is not true as the narrator opposes openly Saleem’s sculptures. The narrator frankly and personally expresses dissatisfaction with Saleem on his representations and incarnations. The narrator says, “The second sculpture is of a woman breast feeding her baby. A pair of Khaki helmets protrude from her chest wall where her breast should be”. There are various cases also in which both deal with David.

In our section for today, the author no longer uses the technique of juxtaposition.

This is not true. The book is written like some expression without operators. We never learn about the narrator until at a later point when we get to know exactly is narrating the story. The narrator says that someone shouted, "Miss Melvina is here . . . the religion teacher!" At this point, we get to understand who the narrator is. There are quite some instances where things are not in harmony with one another and therefore juxtaposition is evident in the book.


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