Free «A Paradigm Shift: Marty’s Way» Essay Sample

Marty’s experience and knowledge speaks for itself. He had spent his early post-MBA years at a large packaged-goods company learning the consumer marketing supports and continued to demonstrate his marketing prowess elsewhere. He played a key role in the renovation of a bottled –water manufacturer into a company to be emulated by others in the energy-drink industry. He commenced to fore case his skills by making over a cult brand out of a mere distributor of specialty sports. Gordon also adds to Marty’s props by fully offering his unqualified support for him. Gordon tells the executives that Marty was up to something real and that it was him the company has been waiting for. In the first paragraph, Gordon is heard saying “But Marty is the guy we’ve been waiting for”.

Marty had a real passion for motorcycles and he kept all the information that was available in the industry which included competition. He could even reminisce the exact year Hunsk used real leather for seats meaning that he was always aware of what was going round the motorcycle industry and all the transformations involved. Marty’s presence in the company was felt and immediately after being inducted, he had already known the strategy to use for great performance. He had his facts right and was ready to institute change that would work to their advantage in promoting co-operation among the marketing staff.



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He knew that the only savior to revive the company’s results was getting back in time to the original approach of campaigning which instigated believers rather than customers. He knew how to create and maintain brand loyal for their products. In paragraph ten, Marty says “We make the best damn motorcycles in the world. We don't have 'customers' - we have believers”.

At this point in time, Marty had already known the changes to be made. For instance he had noticed the poor arrangement strategy of their motorcycle expo and was of the opinion of bringing the customer closer to the company rather than purporting to display a classy outlook of their motorcycle. The old method for promoting purchase was also outdated and weak according to Marty. He had much experience in marketing and knew the strategies to deploy.

Marty was always confident and ready to advocate for any positive change. Although he had a keen outlook towards cause marketing, Marty advised Pete on the need to overlook helmet safety as the core-objective for Hunsk authenticity. He challenged Pete by stating that helmets were making customers feel threatened while their core-objective was to make customers feel alive while driving their product: Hunsk Motorcycle. Marty was always confident and approachable to everything he engaged himself in. He had attributes befitting the head of marketing and although an old timer, he knew how to come up with results. Marty’s arrival to the company sparked a significant amount of results.

Gordon was to commence with his support for Marty’s authenticity campaign since he already knew that Marty was not only engaged to the product but also had passion for it. Marty presence in the company made Gordon realize that the marketing campaign deployed was promising and could bring the company huge benefits. Gordon had to overlook Marty’s salty language in the office since he understood what he represented; results. Marty was the “thing” the company had been waiting for all this time.


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