Free «Luck is Residue of Design» Essay Sample

As proposed by Branch Rickey that, “luck is residue of design”, I tend to agree with him. Life is full of surprises and complicated situations that may be found hard to comprehend. Nonetheless, the manner in which one views life defines a lot in his or her daily life. The belief that situations happening in ones life are predetermined might be true. It all depends on ones luck. My case serves as an example of this testimony that truly, luck is residue of design.

I woke up this morning with a feeling of laziness. Half- heartedly, I stared around my small room, my eyes still heavy from sleep. The scene of my yet another dented alarm clock lying hazardously on the table made me meditate about my life. I frantically reached for my phone to check what time it was. I did not trouble myself to verify the list of missed calls as time was of great essence at this point. That is when I realized that I had missed my interview for the work I had been searching for as long as I can recall. All the endeavors I had put with regard to the application and submission of the required documents seemed to be crashed instantly.



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In addition, the extensive list of accomplishments I had to attain on this particular day begun forming in my confused mind, at the present fully awake. I gathered myself out of bed while rubbing my eyes to clear them. I switched the radio on and proceeded to the washroom to take a shower. My mind was fully pre-occupied with the interview I had missed. I kept cursing as to why life was unfair. As much as it was my mistake, I still would find excuses to lay the blame on other things. For instance, the traffic updates which attested to a snarl up in the main highway to the interview place.

My phone rang and I freezed for a moment since I had this feeling that it was the interview guys. On the contrary, it was my mom who was at my sister’s graduation ceremony. That was the other activity I had to attend. Surely, my day had started on a bad note. I was so confused that I defied the predefined phone language while talking to my mom. I did not even greet her.

Mom; “You have not been picking my phone calls since morning, where have you been?”

Me; “Mom, there is something that…”

Mom; “You are so used to that excuse, this traffic excuse is becoming boring… and I can’t hear any cars hooting. It seems you are still in the house, is that right?”

Me; “No, no, no, I am on my way”

Mom; “What happened to the interview you were to attend?”She went on “It is a high time you gather you life together. You are growing old and time is of essence. I won’t talk about this again. Can you hurry up, your sister’s graduation is almost done and she won’t forgive you if you miss it”.

This is the kind of talk I hate to have in the morning. I had no choice but to hurry for my sister’s graduation. About the interview, I left it to God. I arrived at the ceremony when people were almost leaving. Despite my lateness, my sister was happy to be with me in her ceremony. Her joy was eminent in the manner she talked about life in campus and her achievements. I could hardly comprehend her as I was still bothered with the interview. I spent a greater part of the day meditating about my life. I could not comprehend why I took things for granted yet I had a great opportunity of getting employed. What followed changed my day completely. I received a phone call from the company that I had to go for the interview. The good news was that I had been considered for the job based on m y curriculum vitae. Furthermore, they were granting me another interview as a formalizing procedure. Surely, lady luck was o n my side. I could not hide my joy. I told my family of what had happened and they advised me to be more responsible. From my situation, I can attest to Rickey’s assertion that, “luck is residue of design”.


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