Free «The Grand Dinner» Essay Sample

The venue was magnificently set to match the level of the occasion. This formed the grand occasion to crown the grand winner of the young writers contest conducted globally. The contest had been running for eight months with the participants competing to come up with a thrilling article on how to address the issue of global warming. The final verdict got released three weeks before this day and I was privileged to emerge the winner. One of the rewards for this included having dinner with three prominent people. The US president Barrack Obama, British Premier David Cameron and the former UN Secretary General Dr. Koffi Annan formed my company. The United Nations Organization sponsored the contest prompting this grand dinner to be hosted at its headquarters in Switzerland.

Specially coloured dim bulbs lit the dinner room with soft music playing from the background. This set a very tranquil atmosphere that made every aspect of the dinner worth of everlasting memories. A number of performers from diverse cultural backgrounds graced this occasion. This occasion provided a wonderful opportunity to interact with persons of such calibre. I seized this opportunity to know more about these great guests. This occasion started with light conversation about the background and life experience of the guests, with each one narrating how he grew up. This advanced to congratulation messages extended to me for the wonderful winning article I had written. I seized this opportunity to ask the guests a number of questions to get to know more about their life experiences and attitudes towards life.



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The first question asked the best times of my guests’ lives. The first responded to this question President Obama, stated that the momentous time when he got elected as the first black president of the US formed the happiest moment of his life. He continued stating how this event had fulfilled the dreams of the fighters of democracy in his country. Dr. Koffi Annan on his side stated that the happiest time in his life occurred when he successfully mediated the peace talks in Kenya after the post election violence in the year 2008 helping end human killings in that country. Cameron on his side recounted the day he emerged the best in his class as the best moment of his life. We charted briefly and I advanced to the second question.

The second question aimed at establishing whether my guests would adopt a different approach while carrying out a given activity. Divergent opinions came up on this question from the guests. President Obama stated that he did not mind attempting a new approach when doing something and emphasised that it is through taking such risks that new things get invented. Annan seconded the opinion of the first guest. Mr. Cameron explained his reluctance in adopting new ways of doing things attributing this to the huge economic impact that this risk causing if the new way fails.

Lastly I requested the guests to pass their advices to the audience. All the three guests talked in unison urging everyone emphasizing on the importance of taking up measures that protect the environment from the adverse effects of global warming. The guests urged the youth population to take up the initiative to advance modern ways of conserving the environment and decreasing the severe effects of global warming. The dinner was concluded by a series of speeches from the organizers of the contest elaborating on the significance of the topic in the contest. At the end of the occasion the guests delivered congratulation messages to everyone that participated in the contest. This marked the end of this fancy dinner that posed lifelong memories.


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