Free «What Is Your Intended Major?» Essay Sample

What is your intended major? Discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you have had in the field — such as volunteer work, internships and employment, participation in student organizations and activities — and what you have gained from your involvement.

It is my father whom I credit for sparking my interest in business not only because of the fact that his amazing accomplishments in the sphere of International Business and Economics are truly amazing, but also because he has always taken profound personal interest in my growth as an individual. He regularly shares stories from his professional experiences with me in order to expand my thinking horizon. It also envisioned my perspectives and trained my critical thinking with respect to different issues. Being inspired by him, I believe that unethical business practices should not exist, regardless of their sizes and profit margin. My dad also believes that there is no such thing as an excuse for unethical business practices, and regardless of their size, organizations should always have moral and ethical obligations to be fulfilled, in addition to, its profit maximizing goals. There is an old Chinese saying which goes as follows, "One takes the behavior of one's company."



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Having been deeply influenced by my father’s example, I became extremely interested in global business affairs at an early age. Different stories from my father motivated me to hunt for knowledge at an early age. I was interested in understanding how entrepreneurs have success in managing their companies. I remember spending hours simply looking for market quotes from different markets around the world. The success of my experiences helped me realize fully that my qualities, interests, and professional strengths gets best suited for a career in Business and Economics.

My father is a businessman who has, under his management, three toy companies in China. He got involved in successful ventures with McDonalds, Burger King, Disneyland and plastic production companies. Theoretical education of a person becomes truly effective only when it exists in shared relation with practical experience, which is why I realized that theories are merely theories. It is not a practical approach if a theory cannot be applied to the real world. I joined ‘Students in Free Enterprise’ (SIFE) at Diablo Valley College (DVC) as a start. I started participating in SIFE because I appreciated their opinions and visions. Their motto goes as follows: "A head for business - a heart for the world." It describes my views concerning the principles of conduct for commercial businesses and resembles my concern on business conduct and different ethical issues.

Apart from business, I also joined International Student’s Club (ISC). I worked as an activity coordinator in ISC. I designed some new games, communicated with charity and got some volunteers to work including Red Cross, Habitat for Community and Pleasant Hill Gardening. To help the community, I went to Pleasant Hill Garden and helped them renew a garden which included planting and making more storage spaces. For Red Cross, I applied lots of posters on walls of community colleges like DVC, CCC and LMC. I also helped promote Red Cross and invited more people to join it.

Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud, and how does it relate to the person you are?

Several months ago, I did a marketing internship in my father’s toy manufacturing company. I got actively involved in different aspects of company’s operations and participated in devising strategies and also in the marketing team. This allowed me to explore how they devised strategies. This valuable experience allowed me to gain background in several areas; from planning and strategy formulation to marketing and performance evaluation. I came to realize that the relationship between private businesses and social responsibilities are inter-dependent.

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I enjoy being challenged for finding imaginative solutions by uniting the efforts of political economics and business strategies. I learnt lots of things in my father’s toy company during the internship. It got extremely inspiring to experience the progress of finding solutions with a team. I am extremely excited about the prospects of benefitting from these numerous learning opportunities, at the University of California, and I am confident that I will be a good ambassador of the University, and manage to present its values in the real world.

As a child growing up in China, globally, I kept noticing a vast gap between the rich and the poor that only expanded over time even as the country continued to enjoy having miraculous economic growth rates. This thought affected me at a personal level because I believe that a healthy economy should benefit the country, by evenly distributing its wealth to all classes, rather than keeping it within a portion of the population. Most of the poor students were children from migrant families with laid-off or unemployed parents. It was shocking to realize such an enormous gap existed in living conditions of the residents of the same city. That is why I donated every single penny I had saved, and I could never have used the money in a better way.

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In a market economy, to achieve efficiency, the resources must be allocated in such a way that they are available to different users at different geographic areas. In doing so, constant reallocation must be attained in response to changes in human needs and preferences. Such mobility gets needed to suit consumer needs. In general, the value of marginal productivity in all resource uses must be fulfilled. Being an economist, I must make rational choices when I manage a business. Understanding economics is valuable for people interested in the development. I am getting truly excited about the prospects of benefitting from these numerous learning opportunities at the University of California, and I am confident that I will be a good ambassador of the University and manage to present its values in the real world.


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