Free «How Solitude Affects People Individually and Culturally» Essay Sample

Solitude refers to the life of loneliness, seclusion or simply lack of socializing with others. Such kind of life is attributed by many factors, which includes but not limited to the following; personality, mental disorder, working environment, health issues etc. Solitude can have both negative and positive effects to an individual. In this paper, we will analyze how solitude affects people individually and culturally.

Experiencing solitude often in our life can help to deal with a number of challenges we face. It can offer remarkable advantages, which are basically loose everyday due to our tremendous complicated lifestyle. Solitude is not a uninteresting situation, or a situation of a negative perception, a state of upset forced to someone, but it like optional retirement, an opportunity of relaxation.

Since time immemorial, artist, philosophers, and spiritual leaders have inscribed the advantage associated with solitude. Presently, advice about attaining solitude has been a point of focus to many scholars. Some have concentrated their focus on the negative outcomes of being alone. However, solitude is about the positive effects, which one may prefer rather than avoid.



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Solitude can of benefit to an individual. Despite the fact that solitude tends to depress the mood of a person and make stimulate the feeling of being lonely, it has also been found that, it helps to improve cognitive status. Following being alone for some, the mood of an individual improves considerably. For instance, in the case of a candidate who awaits exam the following day. It is a wise decision for the student to spend the time alone studying for the exam. This helps him/her to have humble time and consequently feels good. Solitude also play great role in advancing experiences like religious experiences.

According to wishart (2007) “It has already been shown that some solitude is essential to our richest culture” (p. 231). A sound knowledge of the society and culture in current time gives a person an opportunity to review what the virtues of the society and the custom, thus understanding if these values are correct, wise, and good. Our integrity helps us to know the best criterion for the virtues.

The environment I which one is raised, leads loneliness experience. If one in his/her childhood and even in adolescent stage doesn’t get an opportunity to socialize or interact with others, he/she may be lonely. However, solitude may be an outcome of another social or psychological issue. Infant who are left alone they experience the states of loneliness. Also the state of loneliness is experienced under other circumstances in life. For example, when marriage breaks up, or even termination of long-term relationship.

When we lose dear friend we get affected become to feel lonely. This situation can affect one psychologically and interferes with concentration of day to day activities. They key reason why solitude affects a person psychologically is due the fact that, one is separated from what is happening in the world around him/her either by choice or forced by circumstances.

The magnitudes of effects of solitude differ according to our mental state. However, solitude gives us two essential benefits; first we come to understand how our minds function, and secondly we know our strengths and weakness. It is also possible to predict the period and how much we can be contented with these pursuits in condition that there is no other requirement on our time.

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As mentioned above solitude has spiritual effects to a person. It is a spiritual discipline and common known, of freely and temporarily calling to privacy for spiritual purposes. The duration of solitude for spiritual mission may go for a few minutes or for some days. Solitude from spiritual perspective it is sought so as to participate without disruption from other disciplines.

From humanity perspective, it is believed that was not unusual individual, rather the democratic right of everybody to maximize his/her potential. It has been argued that, solitude is associated to the inner world of independence and inventiveness. Solitude stands for establishing the truth and the reason of existing. Solitude involves a state at which via a process of seeking the “truth” of living, we come to realize what we are.

Generally, we can attain the deepening integration and character, by knowing and determining the values and the reason of existence with reference to other. Through the solitude, we are free from social norm and limitation, which determine interpersonal life, innovation, reorganization considering analysis.

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From the perspective of naturalistic, solitude is perceived as the process of considering reflection and has been associated to mental and emotion wellbeing. Solitude has also been associated with cognitive advantages which involves; freedom, personal evaluation, personal autonomy, emotional discharge and reflective thoughts. It is also argued that solitude being a psychological disconnection from society, has two basic functions; assertion of personal will and self determination, and nurturing the inner world of the self. This clearly depicts how solitude helps in finding the meaning, happiness, self-realization and emotional growth.

Also when one is alone, there is aspect of inner security, thus helps in realizing individual’s deepest needs, self-recognition, and self-observation. Therefore, in regard to the fore mentioned realizations, the capacity to be alone is termed as a principle of emotional growth, which is as importance as the individual getting into social relationships. In conclusion, we can generally agree that, the role of solitude for mindfulness has not been discovered, however it can reasonably presumed that solitude can help mindfulness.


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