Free «Welfare Programs» Essay Sample

Welfare programs are the initiations put in place by the government of a specific country in order to ensure improved living standards among its citizens. The welfare programs are common in Western countries because of their developed nature and availability of the required resources to finance the programs. It is usually the government’s objective to ensure that citizens live under favorable conditions. Non-governmental organizations support the government in the initiation of welfare programs. Churches, non-governmental organizations, and informal social groups are amongst the largest contributors to welfare programs. The main objective of these welfare programs is to provide for those living in abject poverty hence unable to fend for themselves.

The organization and distribution of welfare programs varies from country to country. Despite all these variances, they have a common objective of providing for the lowly in the society. According to Ulimwengu (2008), necessities are prioritized in the formulation of these vital programs. For instance, organizers would first consider medical cover, education, food programs, and proper housing. The government would also consider subsidizing industries in their manufacturing activities so that cheaper goods are supplied to consumers. The main objective of reducing prices is to make sure that basic commodities are affordable to everyone. Apart from subsidies, governments have put in place compensation schemes for the unemployed. Sowers, Thyer, and Dulmus (2008) assert that the unemployed are paid with an objective of cutting down the level of poverty in the country.



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Demerits of Welfares Programs to the US government

The introduction of welfares in the US was aimed at helping entirely the unemployed. This initiative has been of immense help for many years as it has helped address the unemployment and poverty issues. These programs are associated with numerous shortcomings despite being beneficial. One of the main reasons why the US should eliminate welfare programs is to curb laziness. This means that some people decide not to look for employment with the assumption that the government would provide for them.  Reintsma (2007) points out that this mentality leads to an economy where individuals rely on handouts from organizations instead of working for their own achievement. The abolishment of welfare will ensure work hard to cater for their needs. According to Garfinkel, Rainwater, and Smeeding (2010), people have different lifestyles, and the welfare programs will lead to wastage of money on their lavish lifestyles.

Advantages of eliminating welfare programs

 Firstly, the elimination of welfare programs would motivate citizens to work hard because they have to meet their needs. There would be no organization or individual they would expect to support them; thus, they will struggle hard to cater for themselves. If the welfare programs are abolished, the country will experience a rampant economic growth because there will a minimal dependence on the government.  Howard (2001) intimates that the issue of welfare has significantly encouraged laziness, as people know they will be catered for. Research shows that some students intentionally drop out of school despite the fact that they can access free education in the country. Abolition of welfares would lead to a hardworking nation where everyone is independent.

In addition, there would be faster economic growth if welfare programs were to be abolished. Abolishment of welfare will see the government investing its money in other sectors that require more investment. It is tricky for a country’s economy to develop rampantly whereby some people work and others are fed. Ulimwengu (2008) asserts that lack of welfare for any citizen will mean that everyone has to go out and fend for himself. In addition, it will increase self-creation of job, which will mean more collection of taxes and; thus, faster economic growth.

Arguments against elimination of welfare programs

The abolition of welfare will not be a motivation for hard work, but would lead to increased crimes. According to research, the rate of crime in the U.S usually escalates at the end of the month when dependants of welfare have not been compensated. Currently, many people are competing for white-collar jobs, which are quite hard to get. In addition, imagine a thousand people applying for a job, and only two hundred are recruited. This means that others would be unemployed.  According to Garfinkel, Rainwater, and Smeeding (2010), the unemployed individuals will resort to crime or doing drugs.

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In conclusion, welfares have both advantages and disadvantages in the United States. It is considered advantageous to have the welfare system in a country rather than abolishing it. Welfare systems help the citizens set the base of their own development. Statistics from America indicate that, before the introduction of welfare, the poverty percentage was 17% compared to 15% after the introduction of the welfare. This clearly indicates how it has facilitated the reduction of poverty. Lastly, it is argued that welfare has promoted poverty and slow economic growth as people rely on welfare.


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