Free «Project Proposal» Essay Sample

Organization Description

            Baltimore Hill clinic is a medical facility which has been in operation for over twelve years. The entity specializes in the practice of gynecologic and obstetrics services. The organization’s main office is located in Baltimore. Core administrative functions like billing, coordination and claims of insurance are conducted at this office. In addition to this the firm has five satellite offices located in different parts of the country. There are a total of one hundred employees working for the clinic. The employees are made up of administrators, clinical personnel, physicians and clerical workers who rotate throughout the different organization offices on a regular basis to offer their services.

            The organization’s gross revenues for the last financial year amounted to roughly $43.7 million. This was as a result of an increase in the number of patients who visited the clinic and the good public relationship that the organization has created over time with the surrounding communities. The bulk of this revenue is consumed by the main office since it catered for over seventy percent of the total patient encounters.  The organization’s revenue has been growing over time but in the recent couple of years it seems to be leveling up especially due to the government and a number of agencies’ efforts trying to control and dictate issues related to health and its expenses.



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            Some of the facts that are behind the driving force of Baltimore Hill medical clinic are: the urge to maintain high quality of patient services through constant and regular assimilation of new technology, to continuously improve the efficiency of the business and as a result reduce its operation costs and provide reasonable returns to investment channeled into the clinic by investors.


Project to Be Studied

            One basic challenge facing healthcare provision currently is the wish by the government to control costs. In addition to this, the demand by the government for quality and high services provision to citizens has not been received well. The government is at the fore front of wishing to pay for health care services in a number of cases yet the amount paid cannot add up to the total costs incurred by the firms in providing the same services.

            This proposal shall pay great attention to the costs incurred by the clinic and how well they can be catered for. This will be done through an evaluation of the various costs incurred in relation to different patients, their visits which will be analyzed by the payment plans that the government has instituted. After doing this, we shall try to determine how these mechanisms have affected Baltimore hill medical center in terms of its cash flows and revenues.

Desired Findings

            Some of the desires expected to be achieved at the end of the study are grouped into four. The first desired output is determining the exact amount of medical care by volume which the clinic can handle effectively and efficiently to make a profit. Secondly, the study should identify the different types of costs incurred. This determination of costs will be in relation to the different patients visiting the Baltimore Hill Clinics.

            We should be able to determine the type of patient visits that are more profitable and the ones which are least profitable. The third objective will revolve around determining how these cash flows are affected by the new programs that have been introduced into the industry such as Medicare’s RBRVS factors of cost inversion.

            We should lastly come up with effective suggestions that can prove advantageous when applied in Baltimore hill clinics to maximize its revenues in relation to the current economic environment.

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Similar Organization as Baltimore Hill Clinic

            An organizational structure that closely resembles the Baltimore hill clinic is the Vanderbilt university hospital and clinics (VUH). There are four core services that make up the VUH and each of these service areas are managed and overseen by a director who is expected to run the center independently within a clinic’s level. The directors are then expected to report to the pharmaceutical administrator who in return is required to the associate clinical director.

            This process and channels creates an effective mechanism for communication. The delegation of responsibilities makes the clinics to be effectively and efficiently run thus presenting to the patients the quality services that they expect. It is asserted that the clinics give quality services thus getting value for their money. There are four practice or service areas in the clinics. The four are inpatient operations, business services, ambulatory services and educational/ clinical and research services.

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            There are some services which are often provided well through a corporate system (Miller and Kappa, 2000). This system is structured from a centralized position to more than one facility. The different facilities are then managed jointly with a view of making sure that the laid down goals and objectives are achieved as stipulated. Some of the corporate services available both in VUH and Baltimore Hill clinics are ambulatory clinics, billing, chemotherapy, investigational drugs, total parental nutrition and financial management.


Baltimore Organizational Structure

            Organizational structures are very vital if an entity is to achieve its objectives and goals as stated. Winning organizations have been associated with organizational structures as the tools that guide them into achieving results.  An organizational structure is a framework that illustrates the reporting structure and hierarchy in an entity. Different organization structures are associated with different organizations depending on their activities.


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