Free «Cooking in the 19th century» Essay Sample

Cooking in the 19th century England Early Victorian was characterized by procurement of food, the dining conventions and kitchen duties that were in most of the cases dictated by the socioeconomic status and the gender of the concerned. Issues arose surrounding cooking in this era including the person with greater likelihood of dining out, affording a fine meat one time in a week, a month or otherwise and the extent to which the profession of a person dictated the trend and type of meal (Rumble, 182).

The 19th century Early Victorian cooking in England was characterized by the upper class women taking the responsibilities of planning lunch as well as evening meals accompanied by accomplishing the work of cooking. This class was not exposed to difficult physical labor at the time of the day thus the largest meal that they took was served in evening hours (Mennell, 239).

They took different courses depending on the occasion. Dinning alone required a five to six courses that could include the following:

v Some Savory Soup,

v Roast Turkey and Dressing or some Roast Pork and Specialty Potatoes otherwise Chicken Fricassee with Rice,

v Two Side Dishes of Vegetable,

v Citrus Ice,

v Fresh Dinner Rolls and Sweet Cream Butter,



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v Jams, Jellies plus Sweet Pickles,

v Fancy Cake plus Preserved Fruit,

v Coffee, Hot Punch and Water,

In most cases, they dinned during dinner mostly late afternoon followed by a supper during early evening. In some other cases, dinner was supplied during the early evening followed by supper at late night. Supper was considered to be Victorian mid-night snack (Broomfield, 187).

Other optional food for the 19th century England Early Victorian crêpes, the consommé, mayonnaise, some spaghetti, bouillabaisse, some soufflé, béchamel, chowder, meringue, grapefruit, ice cream, éclair, and chips. This was based on the judgment of the words that were applicable in English language.


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