Free «Vision And Leadership» Essay Sample

Part I. Article evaluation

This is an article review of the Journal of Education by Manasse; Titled Vision And Leadership: Paying Attention To Intention

It is very important to have a sense of the ownership of the vision contrary to whether the vision begins with the leader's personalized concept or a certain group's consensual image. "Studies indicate that it is the presence of this personal vision on the part of a leader, shared with members of the organization, that may differentiate true leaders from mere managers" (Manasse, 1986). It is clear that a leader's vision needs to be for sharing by those who are involved in its realization.

Leadership in this educational context has been seen as a process and the product through which powerful people are control and maintain their core interests. The journal gives a definition which seems inadequate as applied to the complex system of education. The questions that touch on what the leadership is and what specifically makes for a very effective kind of a leader within the entire education system have remained open.



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The journal shows evidence that in the mid 20th century; the leadership researchers maximized their concentration on the personal leadership traits of their subjects. Their conclusion is that the character traits and certain personality characteristics often manifest themselves in order to differentiate the effective leaders from the followers. It is found out that the leaders acquire their status as a result of active participation and the demonstration of the given ability in facilitation of group efforts in order to attain the set goals;

The leadership vision enables one to work intelligently; be alert to other colleagues' needs, to understand the given tasks with the initiative; to display the persistence in the process of dealing with the upcoming problems; to maintain self-confidence ; to accept the

Responsibilities; and to develop the desire to dominate and exercise control. Six categories of the factors that are closely associated with leadership have been highlighted as follows: the capacity factor, level of achievement, the responsibility.

Mode of participation, the status and the kind of the situation. However, it has not been confirmed if the foregoing traits are commonly attached to all the effective leaders or if they are the major determinants of the effective leadership. Definitely there is no set of personality characteristics that appears to recur in all the successful leaders.

In evaluation this journal gives a very narrow characterization of the  leadership traits hence it is insufficient to support that a person can have the potential to become a leader just by possession of a  combination of some traits. The attempts to make a clear isolation of some specific individual traits leaves a strong conclusion that there is no single characteristic to distinguishes the leaders from the subjects, and that  some traits vary according to the situation.

The journal highlights the efforts by the early researchers to determine the leadership traits; they tried to make an investigation on how the leaders behave compared to others. Their efforts led to the development of more advanced way of the behavioral approach to leadership and vision. The four types of behaviour found to be common amongst all the leaders are as follows; Firstly, they have the strong Concern for tasks thereby emphasizing the need for the

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Achieving of the set objectives. They are aimed at very high levels of productivity and the most proper ways of organizing people and their activities to meet the objectives. Secondly all leaders have Concern for the welfare of their people. Real leaders see their followers as people, but not as their units of production. They pay their attention to the people's needs, the interests, the problems, and overall development. Thirdly, all the leaders give directive leadership which means that leaders make decisions for others with the expectation that their followers follow their instructions. Lastly all the leaders show Participative leadership by sharing the decision-making with others.

Part II. Personal Vision

Personal vision statement

My vision as the administrator is to create an enabling environment that will foster peace, hard work and prosperity in this organization and the community as a whole. My desire is to lead a prosperous society that coexists in a peaceful way; engages in development programmes; finds meaningful solutions to the existing problems and has good foundations for the human life continuum.

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Personal values

I would like to peacefully coexist with my friends by ensuring that we collaborate to find solutions to the problems facing us and face challenges boldly. A happy family setup coupled with love and mutual trust is what I would like to raise as a father.

In my life I embrace the values of honest, hard work and trust as the pillars to success. By honest, to me it means that doing the right thing, taking to allowed and giving out the required all these should be lawfully. Hard work in my life is my ability to toil tirelessly for the success of whatever I do for the good of all. Trust entails a positive view that people give to me as a person thereby holding very high hopes in my endeavors.

My Goals

In five years time I would be a national leader to fulfill my dream for a prosperous community through my established values. At the end of three years this organization will have attained the status of a world class organization as compared to others. By the end of twelve months I all the sectors of this organization will be operational and confirming the required standards as laid down by the management.


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