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"Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is a non-profit organization that focus on reducing instances of drunk driving, supporting those affected by drunk driving and the overall goal of pushing for stricter and more conservative alcohol policies"(Blumenthal 1995). This organization that has its base in Texas was founded by Candice Lightner in the year 1980.According to Deam; this was after Candice's 13 year old daughter was involved in an accident and unfortunately died as a result of drunken driving (Deam 2000).
The primary mission of the Mothers Against Drunk Driving is reducing as well as eliminating drunk driving, supporting victims of drunk driving and preventing underage access to alcohol. The Mothers Against Drunk Driving aims at educating the general society on the dangers of drunk driving through advocacy and creating awareness. The organization also helps victims of drunken driving occurrences with any assistance with respect to their health and general welfare.
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The Mothers Against Drunk Driving organization has strict policies in areas such as the illegal blood alcohol content of 0.8% or even a lower percentage with respect to the stronger sanctions of DUI offenders. This includes mandatory jail sentences, treatment and rehabilitation for alcoholism and other related issues, license suspension and ignition interlock devices.
The organization helps victims affected as a result of drunk driving including both the innocent victims and the guilty impaired drivers. The Mothers Against Drunk Driving insists on the maintenance of the minimum legal drinking age which should be 21 years. The organization also aims at mandating the alcohol breath-testing ignition interlock devices (IIDs) for everyone convicted of driving while legally impaired. Some of the other services that the organization offers are that it offers education and counseling for drinkers, as well as post the latest news on drunken driving in the official website.
The Mothers Against Drunk Driving aims at resuscitating the nation's efforts to prevent impaired driving. The organization also aims at increasing the highly publicized sobriety checkpoints under the current trends of increased driving while intoxicated (DWI) occurrences. Regarding the legal framework with respect to alcohol and alcohol related issues; Mothers Against Drunk Driving hopes to enact primary enforcement seat belt laws in all the states.
Most of drunken driving instances are as a result of less strict legislations with regards to high risk drivers. The organization aims at introducing tougher and more comprehensive sanctions particularly focusing on high risk drivers. The organization also aims at developing a more dedicated National Traffic Security Fund. This program will go a long way in benefiting those affected by drunk driving. Reducing access to alcoholic drinks by teenagers is associated with the relatively affordable prices of alcoholic beverages. The organization aims at increasing beer exercise taxes to be at the same level as that of spirits. Another goal is that the organization aims at Reinvigorate court monitoring programs.
Between the fiscal years of 2001 to 2006, the Mothers Against Drunk Driving organization received an estimated $ 56, 814 from the federal government. This is according to a report by the Obama-Coburn Federal Funding Accountability Transparency Act of 2006.In the year 2005; the Charity Navigator rated the MADD at 36.72 on its charity scale which is carried out depending on an organization's performance and efficiency. In the same year, MADD produced a report showing how the organization spent 16% of its total budget on fundraising.
In 2006, the company launched a campaign to eliminate drunk driving in a four-point strategy by using both modern technologies and the legal frameworks to achieve success. The organization is currently headed by Chuck Hurley who has been CEO since 2005.