Free «Review of Kiesel» Essay Sample

This essay is a review of Kiesel 3.2, which describes how Google Company has had to grow in the digital world. The review will involve pointing at what the writer made it engrossing and where he or she needs some changes.

The writer of the Kiesel 3.2 has had to explain that Google is one of the many companies to become one of the biggest giants to walk the stage of the business digital world. Here, the writer ought to state the positives and the challenges surrounding the statement. He or she also stated that Google was an ordinary search engine, but it has gradually evolved to become more complex as they have had to acquire more companies as they grew to be successful. Here, the writer should have stated all the companies that Google has had to acquire. The acquisition of these companies has had to allow Google to offer new services and begin competing in the new markets. In addition, here, the writer should have stated the services that Google offered after acquiring the companies.

Google currently evolves heavily in the world of mobile communications, hence, giving tight competition to the rivals like Apple’s iPhone in terms of sales. The writer should state other rivals to add on the iPhone. The writer has taken the negative side of the Google Company. He should demonstrate how the use of slogan, “Don’t be evil,” has had the company not sticking that slogan as of late. The writer should also state how Google found itself with sound principles but misleads the best, and deceives the worst. The writer provided the claim of censorship and privacy complains only, in which case he or she should have included all the listed claims unto Google.



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The writer also should have stated in clear terms what Google is undergoing to combat the issue of privacy. He or she should also state what the Google Company is doing to combat the other claims made unto the company. He or she should explain deeply how Google has been placing some value in its company to improve on itself. The writer to some extent contradicts himself or herself, in that, he or she says that Google has never had a spotless image on the international level. This is quite wrong because the privacy is an international thing, and hence the writer should try to improve on that.

This essay involves a review of Disney 3.2. The review highlights what the writer should include or rectify in order to improve the essay.

The writer should have demonstrated how Disney qualifies to be one of the excellent successful corporations in the world by giving the biography and achievements of Disney. The first paragraph should have had the description of Disney and the achievement, then from the second and subsequent paragraphs should support the claim of Disney being successful. The writer shows successfully how, through Disney, children believe in their dreams, families create bonding moments, and many people receive job opportunities. However, the writer ought to be brief in describing how the movies directly influence the children because a movie can be for all people including the elderly, and hence, the writer should state in clear terms.

The writer has shown that Disney world also helps families take some vacation around there, in which case it makes families be together perfectly. This is not true, and the writer ought to devise another way of showing this. This is because families can go there for vacation and still do not change. The writer is quite okay by stating that the site has superb locations for proposals and a place for doing weddings. He or she demonstrated exceptionally well that Disney has had a Wish foundation. This unites children with their families and makes them forget their worries. The writer also demonstrated particularly well that Disney has had also to create job opportunities for many all over the world. Moreover, that Working in Disney Park, acting in any of the movies Disney produces all is the creation of Disney. The Disney park in Florida, Orlando provides jobs to 60, 000 people, in which case they spend 1.1 billion dollars due to payroll. The writer of this essay had done it perfectly by demonstrating that The Park has many visitors. In addition, that there are many jobs such as Help services, tour guides, characters, ride navigators are some of the jobs the Disney Park provides. Actors and Actresses are also in the payroll of Disney (Disney).


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