Free «Fixing Problems in the Carburetor» Essay Sample

Vehicle breakdowns occur when they are least expected even in new cars. Most people suffer delays on roads which may be caused by minor failures such as in the carburettor which can be easily fixed. For instance, you might be attending this all important interview and then when you least expect it, your car cannot start. Therefore, good background knowledge on how to fix minor problems is necessitated. A detailed process on how to fix problems arising from the carburettor, which is the root of most problems in cars, has been illustrated here-in.

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A carburetor main job in the engine is to mix air drawn into it with fuel drawn from the fuel tank together into a mixture which the engine will burn to produce power to propel a moving body the carburators gasket is placed between the carburetor and the engine due to prolonged uses and heating in the engine the cork gasket can crumble and break. When this crumbling happens fuel will pour out from the base of the carburetor and spills on the top of the engine. The leaking fuel can come into contact with hot engine this fuel will ignite due to this heat and can make a car to explode. Luckily, fixing the leak is a reasonably simple job and it requires a little expertise   a new carburetor gasket and a few other common tools like pliers, a flat screw driver, and a wrench.



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The first and the basic thing to first locate the carburetor. The carburetor is usually placed on top of the engine, in the central part and beneath the air cleaner. Switch of the car to give it time to ensure that the engine is cool to avert the risk of explosion. Once you establish where the carburetor is the air cleaner assembly should be the first one to remove. The cars that use a carburetor have their assemblies fastened by a single wing-nut situated in the upmost part of the assembly, to hold firmly the assembly on the carburetor .this nut should first be removed by twisting the nut in a clockwise direction .remove the air cleaner assembly from its position on top of the carburetor. The mode of vehicle manufactured  in the earlier year's uses a number of clips to fasten the air cleaner in its position in this car model the clips , must be removed before the assembly can be lifted away from the carburetor. These clips can by removed with a flathead screwdriver.

Remove the throttle connection from the carburetor. This throttle linkage is situated on the driver's side of the carburetor. A linkage which is attached to the carburetor with a one clip, this clip can be removed by unfastening it with a plier. One might find a differencing the linkages connection to the carburetor usually with a single screw, this screw is removed by the normal way using a screwdriver. The carburetor is held by four screws which attaches it to the top of the engine Remove the nuts using a wrench. The four nuts are located in the four corners of the carburetor and are very easy to identify

After removing the nuts the carburetor is held byte four mounting studs carburetor is pulled up and over from this four mounting studs. A lot of care must be taken when lifting the carburetor up to avoid disturbing the various pipes that are attached to the carburetor. Lift carburetor only to a reasonable position to view the gasket which is placed between the carburetor and the engines intake   manifold. Check if the gasket you are replacing is in its position on the face and remove it if it is there. In other condition the gasket might have worn out and is not there in the face of the intake manifold, there is no need to struggle trying to check it out worn out it might have worn out from bottom of the carburetor.

Put the new gasket that you want to replace between the four mounting studs on the intake manifold. A carburetor gasket should not be enhanced to stick by using adhesive substances like a gasket sealer or silicone, as it is self-sealing. Replacing the gasket is now done. Place back the carburetor to its   position on the mounting studs and gently on top of the new carburetor gasket.  Fasten the carburetor where it was by screwing   the four nuts on the each mounting stud, and then tighten the nut with a wrench.

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Reconnect the throttle assembly on to the side of the carburetor using an assembly' clip or the screws that you had removed earlier Place the air cleaner assembly back to the   top of the carburetor. Fasten the assembly in position using assembly's wing nut or clips whichever is used in that type of engine. The repair is now complete. Start the car to check if to check if it will leak again sometimes the car will emit a lot of smoke when it is started. This is safe and no need to fear. If the car does not start, repeat the entire process so as to check on any steps that might have been skipped or wrongly carried out. Learning this process is not only vital in saving time but expenses that could have otherwise gone into repair. Furthermore, it might come in handy in critical situations such as the need to rush someone to hospital in case of an emergency. Take time to learn it, it might just be the savior someday!

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