Free «Literature Searches» Essay Sample

Searching for relevant literature is a crucial element in building information. One has to take time to research for pertinent information and resources to develop a strong comprehension on a given subject. Through this information, the researcher can create a foundation of knowledge on certain the issues under investigation. To illustrate the information search in evidence-based practice, I have selected the topic “Using water immersion during childbirth”. The topic offers a preview of the implications of water immersion during labor. The articles I have selected analyze the advantages and disadvantages of water immersion in labor from various perspectives. The topic touches the risks associated with laboring in water and the practicability of applying the concept by midwives (Cluett, 2006).

This topic holds essential significance to family nurse practitioners because their roles are to provide general and preventive healthcare for patients. The topic relates to midwifery actions that are to ensure efficient healthcare for pregnant mothers. Therefore, it can provide information on how to promote healthcare for expectant mothers. A search of the literature on the topic can build insights on the implications of water immersion in labor, expert opinions on the subject, and case evidences regarding the topics.



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I used the search terms “water immersion in labor”. There are different numbers of results found at each level of hierarchy.

In level 1, Systematic reviews there are 58 results when I used the unfiltered Trip database. This hits reduced to 11 when I used the filtered database Cochrane. In level 2, critically appraised topics, there is one hit in the Clinical Evidence database. In Level 3, critically appraised individual articles, there are 15 results in the EBSCOhost database. In level 4, randomized controlled trials, there are 335 results in the PubMed database. In level 5, cohort studies, there is 1 result for the search in the Harrison’s online database. In level 6, case-controlled studies, there are 150 hits in the UpToDate database. In level 7, background information/expert opinion, there are 2565 hits in the eMedicine database (Glover, 2006).

The article in level one is of widespread literature search, void of the off-color studies and makes practice recommendations based on the sound studies. I selected the article, “Immersion in water in labor and birth.” It summarized information on the suggestions about water immersion in labor and birth. It has the quality of the best findings. This information could be valuable in doing a fast family nursing research that seeks to validate best findings about water immersion in labor and birth (Cluett, 2009).

In comparison, the information in level 2 from chapter 51 “Labor Pain Management” (section ‘Integrative Therapy‘) summarizes the current state of knowledge about using water immersion in labor for pain management. This could be valuable in a research that seeks to draw on current affairs of water immersion in relation to pain relief during labor (Rakel, 2012).

In level 3, the article “The effects of immersion in water during labor and birth” from the EBSCOhost database presents the case for water immersion during pregnancy. It motivates the usage of water immersion for the maternal relaxation, reduction of analgesia necessity, and promotion of a midwifery model of supportive care. On the other hand, it points out the demerits of water immersion during labor as a cause of harm to women and/or babies due to neonatal inhalation of water and maternal/neonatal infection. The article also connects water immersion with epidural analgesia and conventional vaginal delivery and assesses evidences from different case studies in the world. This article could useful for a research that analyzes family nurse practitioners on current affairs of child delivery. It contains a good flow of methodology in finding information. The article contains high quality data and can be valuable for a research that tries to substantiate the source of information and methodology of its development (Mohammed, 2013).

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In level 4, the article “Labor pain management other than neuraxial: what do we know and where do we go next?” from the PubMed database focuses on using water immersion during labor with a bias on clinical perspective and comparison to neuraxial pain. It can be useful for a clinical practitioner whose aim is to get the relevant information and a comparison between managing labor pain and neuraxial during water immersion (Rooks, 2012).

In hierarchy level 5, I have selected the article “Placental Abruption: Management” from the UpToDate database. The article points on the merits as a remedy to management of labor pains. It also points at demerits of water immersion in labor as a cause of harm to women and/or babies, due to neonatal inhalation of water. It could be of value for family nurse practitioner to learn how to manage placental disruption in expectant mothers (Oylese & Ananth, 2013)

In hierarchy 6, I have selected the article, “Delayed-interval delivery in multifetal pregnancy” which illustrates on the complications of multi fetal pregnancies and the role of water immersion in increasing the chances of fetus survival. The article is indispensable in illustrating the importance of water immersion in different emergency cases of pregnancy (Porreco, R. P., & Farkouh, L. J., 2013).

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In level 7, I have selected the article “Labor and Delivery in the Emergency Department.” The article reviews the implication of delivery in an emergency, which was analyzed through expert opinion based information. It also provides an overview of prospects and role of water immersion concerning emergency labor. This article could add value to family nurse practitioner who seeks the opinion of experts on emergency labor (Medscape, 2013).

A useful tip that I can gladly share with my colleagues about conducting an effective literature search is that they should learn how to extract information from different databases. Family nurse practitioners should be in touch with relevant and evidence based information in order to provide efficient healthcare to patients. For instance, from my personal experience as a family nurse practitioner, I have noted that it is essential to know the hierarchy levels of searches. It is also vital to know how to access filtered and unfiltered articles in order to extract high quality information (Cluett, 2006).

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In conclusion, conducting an effective literature search to find evidence on a given topic requires order. One has to choose the term or terms to search in relation to the topic of interest. Thereafter, the researcher ought to find the most relevant evidence and choose evidence of the highest quality available. Finally, the evidence ought to be extracted, interpreted, and converted to knowledge, concerning the context of the topic.


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