Free «Wind Accidents» Essay Sample

According to Recharge news published by Karl-Erik, a man, called Alexander Murray, was terribly injured on 25 of August 2006, while working on an Aberdeen-based Talisman Energy project. Murray was by then an ageing employee of Talisman energy firm, when he had the accident. Murray was still working in the Beatrice offshore wind firm on an unfinished structure, when a heavy load, approximately 15 tonnes, swung towards him and crushed one of his legs (Karl-Erik, 2006).

As Karl-Erik (2006) reports, following the accident, the injured employee was immediately rushed to the nearest Inverness hospital. Inverness hospital could not handle the situation and, hence, referred him to Aberdeen Hospital. Because of the fatality of the injury, doctors at Aberdeen Hospital were forced to amputate Murray’s leg. Following this fatal accident, the UK’s executive committee responsible for healthy and safety matters at work places went ahead to investigate the case and presented their findings in court. Two companies, Talisman (an oil and gas exploration firm based in Aberdeen) and Scaldis Salvage and Marine contractors were found guilty.



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Talisman Company was responsible for managing the Beatrice project, hence, found quiltly of not ensuring safety for the employees in their working place. As a result, the firm was fined 225, 000 pounds. Apart from being fined, Talisman also suffered a huge loss because it has lost many of its employees after the incident. The Belgium-based firm, Scaldis had been given a contract to do heavy lifting at the project and, hence, the part of the machinery that rammed into Murray belonged to them. Therefore, the company was charged with negligence and failure of informing the employees of the dangers from swinging loads. In relation with these chargers, the company received a fine of 18, 750 pounds.

From the description given on how this accident happened, it is evident that Murray was not aware of the probability that the heavy load could move and end up taking away his leg. This is a clear indication that the Talisman Company had ignored its role in sensitizing its employees on the dangers, associated with heavy airlifted loads. If Murray, as an employee, had been taught on the dangers of moving heavy loads, he could have avoided the swinging load and, hence, not be exposed to the accident. Just as various researchers argue, training and educating employees on accidents that can take place at workplaces is highly necessary in preventing accidents.

Another fault, realized with Talisman Company, is lack of supervision and assessment. Talisman Company as an employer should have done enough prior assessment of the machinery and the whole site where the construction was taking place. This is very important, especially in construction sites, as it helps in detecting any factors that can pose danger to the employees and faults with the machinery in use and, hence, rectify accordingly. If this had been done, Talisman and Scaldis Companies could have detected any fault with the lifting machinery and, hence, warned their personnel. In addition to the assessment, Talisman Company could have ensured enough supervision of their working employees to ensure they stayed out of any danger.

It is also clear that Scaldis Salvage and Marine contractors had neglected its role in ensuring that their machinery did not pose any danger to the personnel in Beatrice offshore wind firm. If the company was aware that part of their machinery was hazardous in any way to the personnel on the construction site, they could have taken necessary precautions, such as ensuring the personnel were instructed to always avoid moving heavy loads. Apart from the instructions, the company could also have installed various warning signs, especially in areas, where heavy loads were being lifted to ensure the workers avoided such areas.


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