Free «Jane’s Case» Essay Sample

Jane is a strong and hardworking young lady. Considering her story, I strongly believe that she has the desire and ability to complete a bachelor’s degree. She portrays strength to deal with hardships by the fact that she was able to overcome challenges of losing her mother at a young age, neglect from family members and ill-treatment from her step mother who appears not good enough to replace the gap left by Jane’s real mother.

Jane’s hardworking nature is reflected by the way she has managed to meet all her responsibilities since her childhood. If she applies similar efforts in her studies, there is no reason why she cannot complete a bachelor’s degree. For instance, Jane assumed adult responsibilities at an age of 10 after her mother’s death. She helped her father take care of her siblings by handling household chores such as cleaning, cooking and babysitting. With her father’s new marriage Jane was subjected to more household chores such taking care of an infant with special health needs while her stepmother is at work. She was able to manage all these tasks and continue with her education although with several distractions.



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With her current re-location to her grandmother’s residence Jane will have more time for her studies. However, she requires sufficient scholarship so that she can afford her necessities at the University. With her father’s current state of unemployment Jane is forced to work so that she can pay for her necessities and school supplies. Financial support will ease her burden of household chores since she will be able to afford accommodation at the university where she can fully concentrate on her education. It is evident that Jane indeed has the desire and ability to complete a bachelor’s degree but financial aid could ease her some social and economic challenges that might be distractive to her learning.


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