This is a peer review of Roberta Osako’s paper on cyber schools. The cover page has been done well as it contains all the information about the topic, student’s name, course, tutor’s name and the date. The thesis statement is well written in the introduction. However, it would have been better if the topic was first introduced with a little information concerning Cyber School before getting in the thesis statement at the end of the introductory paragraph. The subsequent paragraphs are well developed and come out strongly in support of the thesis statement. The positive and negative aspects of Cyber Schools in the thesis statement are well discussed in paper starting with the positive and finalizing with negative. The concluding paragraph is well fleshed covering all the points discussed in the paper and justifies the thesis statement. Nevertheless the points of discussion would be more attractive if put in separate paragraphs. The introduction and thesis statement ought to be on in the first paragraph followed by first point of discussion on the second, then the negatives on the third and a conclusion on the subsequent paragraph. The paper has well developed sentences fleshing up the thesis.
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There is only one in text citation in the paper. Though there is good analysis and summary in the paper, the author could have done better by using several in text citations to strengthen the points rather than one because there are two listed sources in the reference page. In text citation should have followed the APA guidelines as it is required to contain the sources’ author’s name and year of publication rather than the link. The references in the last page do not conform to the APA style as sources’ titles are to be provided. Paper’s header and a running head containing the title of the paper ought to be provided.
The author is keen to anticipate skeptics as the opinions in the paper are started by statements like, “everyone has their opinion about” and “seems to be up to each individual and what they perceive as good and bad education”. The paper catches the eye of the reader from the start to the end as one is keen to follow the discussion. The paper is generally well written as it balances between the positive and negative aspects of cyber schools and one gets nice sense of the authors thinking and analysis throughout the entire paper.