Free «Fahrenheit 451 Analysis» Essay Sample


Fahrenheit 451 is a novel that was written by Ray Bradbury and was published in 1953 for the first time. It was reflecting an American society in which the population is hedonistic with critical thinking acquired through reading is illegal. The main character Guy Mutang is the fireman and the number 451 represents the temperature at which books burn. Other authors in contemporary writing have placed the temperature at 450 degrees celcius.

As noted from Bradbury (2004), Fahrenheit 451 contains a strong folklore of dystopian literature; this was portrayed by a works as George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1931). The literature that was used portrays a world of imaginary whereby ill-advised endeavors to create a Utopia or a politically and socially perfect situate, concluding in large-scale human melancholy. The conversion of Montag’s with the servant to adversary of the totalitarian, shows a clear parallels Winston Smith’s modification in Orwell’s novel. Also, in 1950s, there was another works that was written in equivalent vein as Fahrenheit 451 consisted of C. M. Kornbluth’s and Frederik Pohl Fritz Leiber's "Coming Attraction" (1951) and The Space Merchants (1953).                       



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In the novel, Bradbury was the most sophisticated addicts of language in the genre; he used a lot of metaphors and adjectives. Bradbury also boosts his narrative symbolism. There are also other major and minor characters in the novel, such as Clarisse’s who sets us with an ironic tone during the discussion with Montag concerning the nature of a fireman’s responsibilities. In summary, we can conclude that the novel/play is full of literature stylistic features, such as humor, flashbacks, satires, ironies and many more, and has a lot of teaching.


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