Free «Problem Solving Action Form» Essay Sample

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Problem Solving Action Form

Lack of enough security is the core factor leading to the crimes against the elderly; it is therefore important that security system is improved. The action that needs to be taken in implementing this will involve the introduction of community policing, the program is important because it allows the police and the community affected to work together in solving an issue. The objective of this program is to ensure that the community has trust in their police on issue affecting them. It will also help the police to assess the problem through acquiring firsthand information during investigation process.

In combating the crime, the action plan that have been suggested include, educating the community on the importance of the community oriented policing program, setting a team of police to specifically deal with the crime, and provision of a long lasting solution to the problem. The community oriented policing program should help the police to have adequate information so that it becomes easy to identify the issues surrounding the problem. The program is also 0of importance since it enables the community to appreciate the efforts of the police and at the same time enhance teamwork.

By identifying a team among the police to deal with the issue, it increases the effectiveness and the efficiency of the approach to the problem (Diane, 2004). This special team will concentrate on identifying the problem, analyzing it, and suggesting the right and effective method of handling it.

Problem oriented policing program is effective once the community oriented policing and the other programs involved in analyzing the crime problem are successful. The problem oriented policing program concentrates on identifying the main cause of the crimes and identifying the solution.

The two main programs effective in handling the crime in the community are the community oriented policing and the problem oriented policing. While the COP will ensure that there is team work in the community and the police, POP will ensure that not only is the problem solved but the root causes of the crime are identified and thus preventing reoccurrence .




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