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It would be highly tempting to recognize the lack of managerial skills of managers at various levels as a major cause of poor quality control in various areas of the economy. However, the problem is much deeper. A long-standing habit of illiterate leadership has even more severe impact on the quality of management (Waldroop and Buttler 2000). The most serious result of this habit is the dominance of authoritarian approaches of management, the prevailing tendency of the leaders to solve only current problems and the lack of adequate support in the organizations leaders, showing a tendency to analyse and take the initiative. This study will help us get explanations know the management requirement for our businesses (Working Resources n.d.)
Maybe the whole thing is in employees. Maybe not the right people are at leadership positions. However, the appointment to senior positions is usually made based on employees' qualifications and the level of skills in the relevant industrial sector (HSE 2010). Leaders, as a rule, are the workers who visibly stand out from the crowd not only by the level of professional knowledge, but also by the level of responsibility, and the ability to work with people (Spears 2010). It appears that it is not a low potential leadership development, but the low quality of management practices developed in the majority of companies. To date, there is every reason to argue that the low level of competitiveness of the economy is largely determined by the low quality of most of the management companies. It is not just about the top management, this average and line management level (Hardy-Vallee 2013)
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This state of affairs in the field of management, by the common, is mainly determined by two factors. The first one is the use of untrained managers in business operations. This leads to poor business operations together with loss of huge profits. Untrained managers are similar to untrained workers. They make the business go into huge losses since there is poor resource management. The second is the unavailability of senior management of many organizations to build such control systems, which are required in case of the expertise of management level, such quality control, which, ideally, the company is trying to achieve by training managers. Every organization requires a senior management team to foresee the company operations. The senior management should ensure that the quality procedures are adhered to and that there are no irregularities on the part of management staff. The senior management is important in protecting the goals of the organization and guiding the employees in achieving all this.
On the one hand, many managers underestimate the impact of the very fact of performance evaluation on their subordinates (Ojokuku, Odetayo and Sajuyigbe 2012). On the other hand, the professionals of the department of human resources often complain that the assessment procedures themselves often cause resistance from managers (Anon n.d.). It is safe to say that for this resistance there are certain beliefs, attitudes and views of leaders, without identifying which is difficult to count on the active support of the work assessment of the subordinates and the managers themselves (World at Work n.d.).
The reasons for resistance assessment by supervisors
There are a number of possible reasons for the reluctance of leaders to participate in the evaluation of their subordinates. First, many managers consider the problem of evaluation of subordinates as a kind of distraction from the central responsibility, interfering in the work, overhead or another campaign to "restore order" (Leka n.d. & Sutton 2010. The other reason is the natural reluctance to criticize the subject and hear objections to the criticism. For some leaders, it is a challenge to provide negative feedback to employees when it comes to pointing out the mistakes, miscalculations or low performance level. Some managers prefer to avoid open confrontation with subordinates and not to give negative feedback (Billipkopf 2010). This often leads to biased estimates of operating results vague and can reduce the confidence of staff to assess the effectiveness of the system, its ability to fairly evaluate the work progress and the effectiveness of methods used. It is especially difficult to criticize the workers close to the retirement age, who served the company for many years (Goodwin and O’Connor 2012)
Adding to this, sometimes the resistance comes from the fact that the results of the assessment may have negative consequences for lower (dismissal, demotion, loss of bonuses, the deterioration of relations in the team, etc.). These solutions are unpleasant not only for the workers in respect of which they are made, but for many managers who have to make such decisions. Often the head is easier to put up with the poor performance of the subordinate, to take on the responsibility that comes with their dismissal or pay cut.
In some cases, the resistance is the result of poor preparation of the leaders to the evaluation procedure, when they do not know exactly what results to expect. The resistance of the head may be due to the lack of skills needed to carry out the assessment interview. In addition, the resistance of the head can be caused by the rejection of new, previously unused assessment procedures other than conventional approaches. Any deviations from the previously used methods for assessment cause resistance.
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Reluctance to participate in the evaluation of the head of the subordinate may be due to the distrust of the validity and effectiveness of the evaluation methods, which were proposed to be used. Estimation techniques from the staff in support of the assessment by the leaders of all levels are required for overcoming resistance. Support persons performing an assessment, in the final analysis, is not as important as the development of improved methods and procedures used in the evaluation of staff. The success of the evaluation procedures also depends significantly on the attitudes evaluated. The following measures may help overcome the resistance to the introduction of the system of evaluation of staff. First, the information support, providing a clear understanding of the goals and objectives employees’ evaluation. No one in the organization should fear the participation in the forthcoming evaluation interview. It should be considered an important dialogue with the supervisor that is to facilitate the effective implementation of the coming year. Workers need to know that the issues of promotion or changes on the level of their salaries can only be resolved in the way of the assessment interview (Weber 2012).
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As per that, the integration of the evaluation system in human resource management system, and in the overall control of the organization. Assessment system must be closely linked to the existing practice in the organization of personnel management, supported by the existing organizational culture. Leaders will be more likely to achieve objectives for the staff appraisal system, if the system is properly aligned with the organization's existing procedures, summarizing the work of the company and its subsidiaries (Messah 2011; Daoanis 2012). Evaluation should contribute to the implementation of other programs, education and training, selection and placement, motivation, etc. The evaluation of employees can provide valuable information about the quality of the methods used in the selection and organization of how the selection criteria used are able to predict future professional achievements. The evaluation of the staff can also be determined by the efficiency of the existing training programs and continuing education.
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The involvement of leaders in the design and development assessment system
In this case, managers act as experts when evaluating existing approaches to determine the effectiveness of the work involved in the development and refinement of methods to assess the work and the working behaviour of different categories of employees of the organization. The personal involvement of the leaders in the design and development of the evaluation system increases their involvement in the goals and tasks of the evaluation of the work of subordinates, and personal interest in the success of the system. For the appropriate education of the leaders and members of evaluation committees, human resources services get involved in the preparation and evaluation of staff. Training of managers and professionals in order to transfer the knowledge to them and develop their skills for evaluation and assessment interviews (through participation in relevant training and seminars) can be considered as the most important area of work for the improvement of the management system and makes better use of the potential of the human resources of the organization. Education provides us with the understanding of the goals and objectives of the evaluation of staff. It also helps us understand the increased support and reduced resistance to the evaluation of staff. Education also enables us understand the mastery of the knowledge in the field of personnel management. Finally, education helps us understand the development of methods for the evaluation of staff and skills in assessment interviews.
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Training in conducting annual performance assessment
Good "appraisers" are not born. They are in the process of practice and training. Managers should be trained to acquire the skills necessary for a successful evaluation of their subordinates (Watkins 2012). This training will include many of the skills required for mentoring and managing the work of subordinates. The head is a key figure in the evaluation of staff. In order to enable managers to most accurately and objectively evaluate their subordinates so that they could best perform the tasks assigned to them in the evaluation process, they require training. Education in this report includes not only providing the basic sense to managers who regularly assess the work and the working behaviour of the staff. The courses were offered to managers to teach a model guide the work of subordinates, in which performance assessment is embedded as an essential element. With regular assessment work under the head is able not only to determine the compliance of their professional achievements and the working behaviour of the requirements, but also to identify opportunities for the improvement of key business metrics. Naturally, the course managers and professionals involved in the preparation and conduct of the annual performance assessment may change in view of the specificity that characterizes the work of a particular company. At the workshop, it is an important combination of lecture forms, presentations and active forms of work. Leaders should not become passive listeners (Bednartz 2013). It is highly necessary for them to take an active part in the seminar, in the group discussions, role plays and other procedures that will be offered. The most important thing is to help the participants of such installations develop such a system of priorities that will work best for the successful achievement of the annual performance appraisal.
Meeting the challenge of the 21st century, many managers begin to realize that without a radical improvement of personnel activity and without conversational support to enter the next professional level, one cannot win the competition. Evaluation of personnel is not just one of the areas of work in the process of personnel management but is a key area, which sets the guidelines and principles of the new approach to the management staff (Kandelous and Abdollahi 2011). Summing up the review of this complex topic, attention is drawn to a few basic ideas, which essentially focuses the whole point of this approach to the evaluation of staff.
To start with, the evaluation of the results of working personnel is the most important tool for improving the efficiency of employees of the organization. It helps to not only set the standards and requirements for the work of staff, but also find ways of reaching a new level of business performance. Second, the evaluation of the results of working is a key area of personnel work. Manufacturability in the assessment will lead to a maximum use of the possibilities of this instrument of personnel management and full exploitation of the potential of human resources of the organization.
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Thirdly, the effective use of staff appraisal as a tool to enhance the impact of the human resources of an organization is only possible while maintaining a high level of training of managers and specialists of personnel services and personnel management in general and on the evaluation of performance in particular. There was successful development of the organization and getting a high return on the current evaluation system in the organization of the staff needed to conducting its leaders were not limited to administrative purposes (salary, appointment, job transfer, etc.). No less important are such purposes as assessing the quality of management, giving employees feedback on the extent to which their job performance and their work behaviour requirements of the organization, employee development and the development of proposals improve the management of personnel.
Managers and all those who carry out assessment of the staff should be aware of its impact on a wide range of psychological aspects of organizational behaviour, such as motivation, self-esteem of employees, level of responsibility, job satisfaction, discipline, level of commitment to employees of the organization, a willingness to work with spare no effort, etc. If the assessment is limited to points of payment, it sharply impoverishes those incentives, opportunities and benefits to the organization that have the potential inherent in the evaluation system.
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Lastly, the introduction of the company’s annual assessment of workers at all levels of the organization is becoming a priority. Without a solution to this problem, it is impossible to successfully manage performance and improve business competitiveness. The evaluation of staff will only become an effective tool that can provide a high return on the human resources of the enterprise, when the analysis of the results of the staff will become a habit and the need to the head of any rank. Evaluation of the staff should be a key element of the management model, which will ensure the effective operation of the economy in the XXI century.