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A Case Study: Student's disruptive behavior essay

Classroom management is a very important aspect of teaching as a profession. Many teachers have been considered and ranked as best performers simply because of their ability to manage students during classroom sessions. On the other hand, it has ... Read more »

A Response to Elma Stuckey's “Enslaved” essay

The poem “Enslaved,” by Elma Stuckey, is a short but brutally passionate piece. It observes the irony of the “socially conservative” white southerner who, despite facing financial and emotional hardship, still clings to his ... Read more »

Aids in Africa in the 20th Century essay

Introduction AIDS in Africa in the 20th century has been one of the major concerns, not only to Africa but to the whole world. To start with AIDS is an acronym for Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome. The focus on Africa especially the Sub Saharan ... Read more »

Community Service Reflection essay

While on my community service work in teaching the Arabic language near Ohio State University, I met different students who had difficulties in the different aspects of the Arabic language. The main challenges I observed included grammatical ... Read more »

Cooperation and Conflicts in Jamestown essay

I really had a good time going through your essay ‘Cooperation and Conflicts in Jamestown’. It is outright that we have the same approach to the question. Actually, the analysis of the material facts in your essay is fundamentally ... Read more »

Counseling Video Reflection Paper essay

Working as a nurse/midwife remained as one of the taunting job in the medical world. In line with this, one of the issues that arose on a daily basis was embedded in the fact that one had to face numerous challenges that emerged from the limited ... Read more »

Cyber attack essay

As a cyber terrorist, I would target a critical infrastructure because of their role in the economy. Critical infrastructure refers to assets that are fundamental to the functioning of the society and the economy. Some of the critical ... Read more »

Dance Critique essay

1. Write about your observations and reactions to the performance as a whole. Include observations and reflections on the length of the performance, variety, music, lighting, costumes, performance quality of the dancers, etc. The dance lasts for ... Read more »

Delivering Care to Adults: Nursing Reflection Report essay

My two consecutive shifts in a placement clinic has actually given me a chance to really realize the importance of my position as a nursing aid to the patients I attended to. It was during these times that I was able to learn how the different ... Read more »

Disability across the Life Span from Early Start to Transition essay

Children with disabilities are among the most marginalized and excluded members of society, often experiencing widespread violations of their rights as well as discrimination at all levels, including within their families and among their peers and ... Read more »

Disaffection essay

Your arguments are well thought out on this area of marriage coaching. I especially like the level of logic you showed through your thoughts. It is true that couples cannot rely on God alone to solve their problems. They have to show initiative to ... Read more »

Disaster Recovery plan essay

Introduction A disaster recovery plan refers to the organisation of policies and procedures that aim at recovering and continuing the normal process after a human and natural disaster. The disaster recovery plans are drafted taking into ... Read more »

Epigenetics essay

The term epigenetics describes the study of mechanisms that lead to heritable changes in phenotypes and gene expression without any interference with the nucleotide sequence of a gene. The mechanisms of epigenetics can change the genome function due ... Read more »

Extending the School Day essay

School days have always been considered to be full of activities and challenges. Students learn a lot of subjects, attend additional clubs that represent their interests and do their home works, rest. This is a short description of the ordinary ... Read more »

Future Crime Scenario essay

Concept A doctor has applied for a patent on new technology involving the use of advanced computers to create a new type of organism. One of the goals of his research is to genetically alter these organisms for use in human organ growth and ... Read more »

Group Work essay

To begin with, group work or rather working within a team can prove to be somehow tasking. In this sense, the group or team in which a person is involved can be judged in many ways regarding its effectiveness and performance. So to speak, it is my ... Read more »

Hiding in the Light on Images essay

The writing by Dick Hebdige generally features postmodernism. The essay has used various ideas of philosophers such as Marx, Gramscian, Berman, Lyotard and Nietzsche among others to criticize the postmodernism. Postmodernism is a movement that ... Read more »

How Comprehensive Technology Plan Can Increase Productivity and Efficiency for Both Students and Teachers essay

With modern development and advancement of technology, education has been revolutionized significantly. The world of education has been made a global village with everybody being capable of acquiring recognized certificates and degrees from any ... Read more »

How I handle Personal Risk? essay

Personal risk is the risk that involves the takings earning aptitude of a person. For instance: bereavement, disability, sickness, catastrophe, joblessness and so forth. (Hubbard, 2009) Progress in equipment, globalization and the American law ... Read more »

Interest in writing essay

I developed interest in writing very early in life and came to love the task. I always find new things to write about, and I always have a pen and paper to put down my ideas. This laid a firm foundation for writing that I had to do in High School. ... Read more »

Jill Reaction Paper essay

Question 1 Jill has been my high school roommate for two and half years. He is a kind, polite, social and remarkably friendly to all. Since we both have almost the same interests in life, we do some things together and try out new products, ideas ... Read more »

John Henry Newman essay

John Henry Newman advocates for an educational system, where the learners get the knowledge and skills that change their minds and help to adapt to the society. Newman points out that the educational system should not force the learners to accept ... Read more »

Lanham thesis essay

Lanham thesis is about style. Style refers to a set of tools useful for persuasion. According to Lanham, prose style can be defined by three central values namely; Clarity, Brevity, and Sincerity. This is usually referred to as the C-B-S theory of ... Read more »

Letter to the Editor essay

In my point of view the idea of Canada consisting of a monarchy is becoming old-fashioned according to the generation as well as the advanced system of technology and regime. The trend of having Queen Elizabeth II getting up there in an elderly age ... Read more »


Michael Collins was born in October 16, 1890, and passed away in August 22, 1922. Collins was an Irish revolutionary leader, MP for Cork South and Minister for Finance in the initial Dail of 1919. Apart from being a politician, he was a member of ... Read more »

Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom essay

A task is a purposeful activity to acquire new knowledge (Murphy 140).The article intended to show the findings of a research carried out to find out how tasks based learning influences. This was done through the evaluation of learning of languages ... Read more »

My Reaction and Recommendations essay

This article by Chris Paine basically triggers anger to the reader. This is because, all the electric vehicles were destroyed without giving any consideration to the people who invested so much time, energy and resources to build them and make them ... Read more »

Myths, Misfits and Masks essay

The presentation “Myths, Misfits and Masks” by Sana Amanat tells about social norms. The author depicts the relation in the society against the background of comics. Amanat explains how stereotypes can affect a young personality. People ... Read more »

Payne’s and Elrod’s Posts essay

This is a response to Payne’s and Elrod’s posts in the context of the video presentation as well as Harold Doweiko’s Concepts of Chemical Dependency. Shaqueena Payne defines ‘dual diagnosis’ as ‘someone suffering ... Read more »

Personal Application of Criminology essay

It is absurd that boys engage themselves in criminal activities even at their tender age. Before this discussion, it is good for us to know or understand what criminology is. Criminology is the study of crime from a social and individual perception. ... Read more »

Personality Refection essay

To begin with, personality can be defined as a consistent patterns and qualities of behavior of an individual just as expressed by physical and mental activities and attitudes. They are in fact distinctive individual traits of an individual as it is ... Read more »

Population and Poverty in Africa essay

In Africa, poverty and population go hand in hand. Africa is the continent with the poorest countries in the world. One explanation for this trend is the high population growth rate compared to the rate of economic growth. Even though diseases such ... Read more »

Preschool Observation Assignment essay

Throughout my endeavors as a preschool teacher, I find that watching the threes and fours play is the most fascinating encounter. The world around this particular age is one that is akin to “the play years”, and this is particularly the ... Read more »

Reaction Paper essay

John Kennedy’s quotation, “We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought” was made in his public address at Yale on 11th June 1962 when he was about to be vetoed by his political opponents over the fall of the ... Read more »

Reaction to Pathways to Self-empowerment essay

Colella’s offers an incisive probe on the capacity of the subconscious mind to affect the potential and general lifestyle to change. His argument is based on a knowledgeable analysis about the working of the human mind. From this article, it ... Read more »

Reflection Journal essay

The assignment that was most engaging was concerning chapter eight on ‘social and behavioral outcomes: school-aged children’. Particularly the section titled ‘gender role development in middle childhood’ was so occupying. The ... Read more »

Reflection of Being a Manager essay

In turbulent environment requires outstanding professional skills and intuition of a manager able to foreshadow threats and dangers of modern life. By strategic thinking managers mean the intuitive ability to understand the dynamics of market ... Read more »

Reflection of thoughts and Opinion Based on the Factors essay

Introduction This study is mainly concerning about the economy and the factors that are influencing those concerns. These can be well defined based on the four main aspects and they are Access, Equity, cost and the quality.  For any kind of ... Read more »

Reflection on Filipino Migration essay

There has been a rise in Americans of Philippine origin. Some migrated to America when being still young; thus, they have little or no legacy of their native country (Posadas, 2003). Some have been born and raised in the United States and have ... Read more »

Reflection Paper: "Living Religions" essay

I have read the book Living Religions recently. This book affected me deeply and urged me to express my impression. This paper discusses the features of the world religions that amazed me the most and tells about their place in the modern ... Read more »

Reflection Paper on the Article 'Beyond the Harm Principle' essay

In his article, Ripstein (2006) offers an alternative to the harm principle, introduced by Mill, and this alternative is the sovereignty principle. In the process, he coins his own definition of freedom that seems very questionable. Ripstein (2006) ... Read more »

Reflective essay on bank interview essay

I have always thought that a job interview is just as simple as walking into an office but there is more to that. Not too long ago, I went for a mock interview in a bank. I had a difficult time getting a mock interview set up in general; I have ... Read more »

Reflective on International Terrorism essay

International terrorism is a subject that is both complex and wide. In actual details, it is the terrorism that is practiced in a foreign country of which the terrorists are not the natives of that country. Terrorism by definition is a calculated ... Read more »

Reinventing Marriage essay

Equality of partners in heterosexual marriage is the central theme of the essay “Reinventing Marriage” by Fenton Johnson. The traditional marriages were based on gender roles rather than respect between one another. The emergences of ... Read more »

Response Paper on Matthew Williamson essay

Mathew Williamson is a great artist, judging from his work posted on the blog. In my opinion, the sound track is catchy, therefore, drawing a lot of attention to the video My Blog So Far. He made the interface so interesting to make the audience ... Read more »

Response paper-Paul Zaloom essay

Paul Zaloom is an American theatre performer who has excelled in fashioning trash/garbage to make an impression on stage. Trash is waste that is usually shunned, but Zaloom utilizes it to make an artistic impression. “His readymade puppets ... Read more »

Response paper: Response Paper - The White to Be Angry essay

Superstar Vaginal Crème Davis also known as Dr. Davis was a force to reckon with in punk music. It is important to appreciate her upbringing and identity crisis as an African American. She also had a Mexican heritage courtesy of her father. ... Read more »

Response to Boan's Article essay

The 'Piano Lesson' is a play which is not related to lessons on Piano playing at all, but rather it can be said to be a discussion of lessons learned surrounding a piano. The play is set in the ancient American setup in the wake of slavery. It ... Read more »

Response to Three Vertically Challenged Pigs essay

In his text Politically Correct Bedtime Stories, humorist James Finn Garner contemporizes several fairy tales of old, particularly the story of the three little pigs – or in this instance, “Three Vertically Challenged Pigs.” ... Read more »

Sexual Diversity essay

When looking at this article, Sexual Diversity, it is apparent that the have a valid and a logical argument. Sex, gender and sexuality have been issues under hot debate with different sexologists coming up with different theories and ideas. Many ... Read more »

Summary and Reaction essay

It is the dream of every counselor, instructor or facilitator to come up with an effective method of handling situations in the best way possible that recognizes the efforts of every participant in an activity. Adventure based counseling tries to ... Read more »

The Gutenberg Address essay

The Gutenberg Address vividly portrays national ideas and uniqueness of the American national character. Historical events have a great impact on self-identity of the nation and its cultural values. Individual national identities differ in content, ... Read more »

The Pilgrim essay

The Reeve was a very thin person with violent attitudes. His tempers were fierce. He had short hair with bald forehead. He was tall and thin with long straight feet that looked weak and lifeless. There was no flesh visible on the calves. He knew ... Read more »


Introduction Bullying is a form of abuse, or any sort of act of abuse perpetrated upon a victim who does not in any way deserve to be treated in that manner. Those who organize such aggression and dominance bullying behaves do not consider the ... Read more »

This is a Reaction Paper essay

This is a summary of the article “Don’t dwell on it: the impact of rumination on emotional sensitivity, written by Johnston L, Carter J and McLellan T. the article was published in the journal of social and clinical psychology, vol 30, ... Read more »

Where in the World is Disney essay

Assessment 3a, named ‘Where in the World is Disney’, was a group work, and our team of 5 people got assessed on three tasks: team Power Point presentation, team Problem Solving efforts and our Individual Research Components. Roles and ... Read more »

Your work has been copied essay

One may get anxious when he or she stumbles upon a website with articles or descriptions that are well-known.... That one realizes that they belong to a assured source. That is, your original work has been bootlegged! Your personal information or ... Read more »
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